Version 3.0
MITE is a mobile information framework developed to empower mobile applications lifecycle. It enables individual / organization to create & extend their daily operation into a mobile environment..
read moreMITE is a mobile information framework developed to empower mobile applications lifecycle. It enables individual / organization to create & extend their daily operation into a mobile environment..
read moreBRIDGE is a blend of five key ingredients on cloud: AdBridge, AppBridge, BigBridge, PayBridge and PlayBridge. This recipe creates an ecosystem that helps our clients to develop an interactive mobile applications..
read moreSIMP is a framework to develop Operation Support System (OSS) which covers Fault Management, Configuration Management, Accounting management, Performance Management and Security Management..
read moreRealizing the success stories of mobile over the past years & high demand of mobile applications, we produced a framework to speed-up the mobile development lifecycle. A combination of consultation & development will ensure the success of the projects.
Helps customers to manage sensors, devices and machines lifecycle across multiple platform in the physical world. It will enable remote device configuration, data exchange and extracting information into cloud dashboard to gain operational efficiencies.
The process of discovering the data across multiple sources, transforming data into meaningful information & delivering information to identified targets. The integration helps our enterprise & telecommunication clients to improve their business process execution.
Process & analyze large amount (Volume), fast evolving (Velocity), complex (Variety) & uncertainty (Veracity) of data to uncover hidden pattern / relationships / linkages (Viability), to produce analytics reports (Visualize) for better decision making (Value).
Work for your afterlife as if you will die tomorrow,
and work for this life as if you will live forever.Hadith
At Crespro, we help our clients to enhance/ improve their daily life by empowering people through mobile capabilities. With innovative & creative mobile platform for people to securely explore, access and update through mobile devices, it bring simplified operation at work; interactive & fun content at home.
Founded in 2007, is a privately held company based in Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA. Crespro focuses on creative and innovative mobile development, Internet of things (IoT), business analytics processing and data/system integration.
Within a year of operation, Crespro successfully received the MSC Malaysia Status Company on research, development and commercialization of the Mobile Information Framework (MITE) for mobile applications and tagging (RFID/NFC) development, and Internet platform for interactive mobile content.
If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.
Peter F. Drucker
Mobile app for Malaysia General Election starting from 1955 to 2013.
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List of the latest Malaysia cabinet, member of parliment and DUN.
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A list of islamic name to help parents to find good/beautiful names for their baby.
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Data collection (Building Cost Index) for Department of Statistic.
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IOT/M2M Alarm Monitoring for Petronas Gas and Tenaga Nasional Berhad
SMS Comment - Youth Olympics Games 2010 for Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
SMS Escalation for Telekom Malaysia Support Center
Prepaid reload and pay bill
Mobile web for Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia.
Complaint Management System for Ministry of Rural and Regional Development (KKLW)
Complaint Management System for Ministry Tourism and Culture (MOTAC)
News Dispatching System (via email and FTP) for Bernama
Write drunk; edit sober.
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